Free Shipping on Orders Over $100! Studio open Monday-Friday 11-4 at 1195 Pineview Drive Suite 3, Morgantown, WV


Hey, friend!  I see you over there making the world a better place!

You're tired of all the negativity bringing you down and you're legit worried about what it's doing to your family.


Ever wish you could cloak yourself in joy?  Just surround yourself with it.  You know, like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, but with all things contentment. 💫 

You're in the right place!

This is where I come in, paint in hair, LaCroix in hand and ready to create.

Joyful artist, extraordinaire!


I'm Emily and I specialize in bringing joyful art into your life. 


I'm a wife, a mom to 3 boys and a dastardly dog named Augie. 

Seriously, he's the weirdest dog ever!


I also never remember to bring snacks or cold weather gear, so hook a sista up!


After a life altering diagnosis with strict doctor's orders to reduce my stress, I went on a mission to surround myself with all things joy. 

We're talking books, people, and of course art. 


There's just something so peaceful about sitting and gazing at something beautiful, even if your dog's behind is in your face and your kids are screaming at each other.


💫 Sit.  Stare at that art.  Soak in the peace.  The joy. 💫 


Then, go sign their permission slips.  You can always come back.  

I'm your artist who never quite fit your typical artist mold.

 As a kiddo, my mom and older brother were extraordinary artists.  My mom filled our home with modern art full of color.  I loved to daydream while gazing at our walls.  I tried to draw perfectly like my mom and brother (no lie, their drawings are meticulous), but I always came back to bold paint...all over the place.

Fast forward to college...bachelor's degree in Elementary Ed, Masters in Reading.
The teacher version of me loved doing art with my students.  I loved watching them escape because sadly school is stressful.  I let them do what we called "free art" all the rules, no standards....just pick up your tool and escape.  Ahhhh. 
Fast forward again to stay at home mommin'.  Again lots of art projects and outside play because 3 boys!  Go, go, go.  

Then it happened.

I developed an autoimmune disease called psoriatic arthritis.  Here's what the doctor told me as I sat across from him at the ripe age of 31.


1.  There is no cure.


2.  You will have to take heavy duty medications with serious side effects including cancer for the rest of your life.


3.  This could potentially cripple you.


Room starts spinning, I excuse myself, head to my car,  call hubs and cry my eyes out.


At a follow up appointment, the doctor informed me that I MUST learn to control my stress.  Yes, sir!

And so it began...the journey to live a life of intention.  A life filled with gratitude and joy.  

And it hit me, it's not about fitting a certain mold, it's about doing what works for you.  What lights you up.  What brings you joy.


So here we are, all these years later with thousands of clients soaking up the joy. 

Filling their homes with joyful art.  Blazing through the hard stuff with a steadfast belief that every day is a gift.


Since we’re friends now, here are five fun facts about me.


1. I'm obsessed with fun facts!  I start way too many conversations with "fun fact....".


2.  I played ice hockey from Jr. High through college (Let's Go Mountaineers!). Good times-for real!


3.  My go to music when stressed...George Strait.  Calms me down every time.


4.  I have a love/hate relationship with all things sweet.  Actually, that's a lie.  I have a passionate love affair with anything sweet.


5.  I was once fluent in American Sign Language.  However, the phrase, "Use it or lose it" totally applies here.

Still here?  Thank ya much!  Let's be friends (you bring the snacks, I'll bring the fun facts)

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Follow me on Faceboook

 or head to the shop 'cuz that's where the fun is... 


See you on the flippity flop!

~Michael Scott